RALLY 2024 - Land Trust Alliance annual conference
Jasmine Williams joins the Land Trust Alliance Rally faculty to bring a workshop on collaborative systems change for equity-centered conservation.
Jasmine Parson Williams, JD joins RALLY 2022 as Faculty for National Land Conservation Conference.
National Service Training - Central
Jasmine Parson Williams will present a session on Institutional Allyship, providing strategies, tools, and resources for engaging a posture of justice, equity, and inclusion in National Service.
National Service Training - West
Jasmine Parson Williams will present a session on Institutional Allyship, providing strategies, tools, and resources for engaging a posture of justice, equity, and inclusion in National Service.
EMERGE: OneStar Foundation AmeriCorps VISTA Spring Training
ACTIVATE ALLYSHIP: Activating a posture of allyship in National Service & beyond
When we are in spaces that reflect a broad spectrum of human diversity, what can we do to ensure those spaces are inclusive? In this session, we will explore the posture and skills of allyship and uncover the many ways that we can show up for other humans and engage in behaviors that support and sustain environments of safety and belonging. We will learn what it means to practice allyship and think deeply about what that means in National Service and beyond.
Race & Economic Equity Workshop
Jasmine Williams will facilitate a workshop with Root Cause Institute discussing how organizational commitment to racial and economic equity strengthens overall program and service quality.
Program Quality Learning Series
Join @RootCause November 8 - 17 for a free webinar series introducing the Program Quality Roadmap, a proven system for building #equity + excellence in #socialservice organizations.
Register and learn more about the #RootCauseLearningSeries sessions: